Critical Wolf Delisting Bill in Review

Currently, USFWS is reviewing public input regarding proposed delisting of the wolf in the Great Lakes Region. Wolves of the northern Rocky Mountains were delisted previously this year thanks to Congressional legislation that dictated delisting and insulated against more frivolous lawsuits. Currently, language in from the US House of Representatives is attached to the House version of the Interior Appropriations bill providing the same delisting provision and protection for the Great Lakes Region. But, reportedly some Senators are fighting to remove the provision from Interior Appropriations Conference Committee compromise language. They will succeed in killing this delisting effort unless our US Senators and Representative act on our behalf to stop them.

In 1989 Minnesota had 1500-1750 wolves and they have expanded ever since. In 1992 the federal population criteria for delisting wolves in MN was 1251-1400 wolves by the year 2000. Minnesota has been patient, perhaps too patient, but no more. The endangered species act was enacted to return endangered species to recovered status. The wolf has recovered, but the “antis” will keep mounting legal challenges to keep it listed unless we convince Congress to act.

It is time to speak out, today! Contact your US Congresspersons and Senators today and direct them to contact Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee Chair Jack Reed and lobby for the Senate to accept the House wolf delisting language in the Interior Appropriations bill.

Via: Minnesota Deer Hunters Association

Legislator Email Contact Information

Senator Amy Klobuchar: (612) 727-5220/ (202) 224-3244
Senator Al Franken: (651) 221-1016/ (202) 224-5641
Rep. Tim Waltz: (507) 388-2149/ (202) 225-2472
Rep. Erik Paulsen: (952) 405-8510/ (202) 225-2871
Rep. Betty McCollum: (651) 224-9191/ (202) 225-6631
Rep. Keith Ellison: (612) 522-1212/ (202) 225-4755
Rep. Michele Bachmann: (651) 731-5400/ (202) 225-2331
Rep. Collin Peterson: (218) 847-5056/ (202) 225-2165
Rep. Chip Cravaack: (651) 237-8220/ (202) 225-6211

Blue Pheasant Tail Nymph Attractor

Kirk Deeter via Midcurrent discusses blue and purple flies in the violet spectrum and how well they can work on trout, especially finicky trout.

Kent Klewein follows up with this blue pheasant tail nymph attractor pattern (pictured above).

Nymph Hook: 14-20
Tail: Natural Pheasant Tail
Ribbing: Ultra Wire Small – Blue
Abdomen: Flashabou Dubbing – Light Blue
Shellback: 6-8 strands of Flashabou – Pearl
Thorax/Collar: Natural Pheasant Tail
Thread: 6/0 Brown Uni-Thread
Head: 5/64 to 3/32 Nickel Bead

30-Point Illinois Non-Typical Whitetail is a Doe

Lomas, a resident of West Salem, Ill., was hunting along the Little Wabash River when he bagged what he believed was a trophy buck — a 30 pointer.

When he dropped the carcass off at a local meat processing plant in Albion, he made a surprising discovery — it was a doe, not a buck. According to a local wildlife biologist, antlers on does are quite uncommon — perhaps one in 4,500 will have a rack. Finding one that is a 30 pointer is even more unusual.

Lomas says he has been offered thousands of dollars for the atypical mount from outdoor outfitters like Bass Pro and Cabela’s. He hasn’t made up his mind yet on what to do with the strange doe.

Read full story via: Evansville Courier & Press